Simple. Just ask if she is a virgin. If she says no, or if you don't believe her, she is a potential source of STD to you. You should worry, and make a decision as to whether you are comfortable with whatever risk remains. If so, punt. If not, well there's always HJ.
Your question seems reasonable enough, because while bacterial diseases like chlamydia can come and go and come back again, other diseases such as HIV and HSV come and stay. So in theory, older, more experienced girls would be a much higher risk than young fresh girls.
But this doesn't seem to be what happens in practice. What people end up catching are the bacterials, and those can come just as easily from a young fresh girl as from an older one. Some would say MORE chance from a young fresh girl who hasn't yet learned how to take care of herself. Non-barebackers don't seem to get HIV. But they can get a bacterial infection from DFK a fresh 20 year old.
[ Last edited by ggherkin at 9-3-2013 15:15 ] | |