some radical views here
Feel some perspective is required ...
Originally posted by ggherkin at 16-1-2013 14:51
HPV -- There is now a shot for this, but for some reason they only give it to kids. I'm not worried about it -- seems more of a problem for women. OMG, can't believe you just said that!!?!
Yeah, HPV is indeed "more of a problem for women". Top-ten list death-grade problem that is.
Why ..?
Cancer is one of the top causes of death for women,
and cervical cancer is one of the top causes of cancer in women,
and HPV is THE cause of cancer in women. Just HPV.
But you're right, you don't need to worry, because in men it causes no symptoms. Unless you get genital warts that is ... but those are pretty obvious and they freeze them off your birdie until they stop growing. No biggie. The nasty cancer-producing strains of HPV are asymptomatic in men.
But that's not true for your partner.
... oh, and a condom isn't protection ... research is waking up to proven infection passing from his dick to her hand / from her pussy to his hand / from his hand to her pussy / from her hand to his dick ... and the research continues. Clearly a resourceful little bug at getting around, and any degree genital contact is sufficient to spread it. Medical advice is that anyone who "had 1 new partner each year during 4 years of college" is pretty much sure to have HPV already.
So it seems the appropriate perspective on HPV is a guy doesn't need to worry as long as he only ever fucks girls who have already been fucked by a number of other guys. Assume you have it. Assume your girl will have it - and either she will give her version to you (there are dozens of different ones) and assume your next partner will receive the sum total of the various strains of HPV you have been exposed to. The record on HPV is evolving, and new research is contradicting old assumptions.
You do not want your latest beloved - and besottedly faithful - girlfriend coming to you and telling you one day that her recent PAP smear shows she has one of the cancer-causing strains, and she knows it came from you. Plan accordingly.
excuse the rant, I just felt some more detail was useful on this one ...
Originally posted by ggherkin at 16-1-2013 14:51
Also, and this is just something I developed myself: if I'm doing a week's heavy mongering, I prophylactically take azithromycin (4 x 250mg pills the evening before, then one every 36 hours thereafter until the last day). ... This behaviour sounds like one of the root causes of the accellerated evolution of antibiotic-resistant super-bugs.
There's nothing worse than to take a reduced dose of antibiotics over a period of time. All that does is kill SOME of the bugs, and the ones that remain, evolve and learn to resist the drug.
Only right way to take an antibiotic is with a full course, taken regularly (e.g. 3x per day), continued to the end of the course regardless of symptoms. Anything less is not just stupidly selfish, because it generates bugs that kill other people, but actually raises the risk of generating a superbug inside your own body that will make you be the Index Case of a new generation of nasty. |