I actually wrote to Twice regarding my thoughts last evening via pm. Twice said it was excellent and encouraged me to post it here instead. Twice actually hinted I could be wrong, but anyway I don't mind being wrong. This is just a fun contest. I hope SEAJ won't get mad at me.
Ok here it goes.
Reason 1: You mentioned that he used to be a senior. He was, there's no question about it.
Reason 2: SEAJ was the person who mumbled the word "integrity" the most number of times. And "character" was the trait he boosted all the time when he tried to justify arguments. Integrity and character are the 2 entities you have hinted that this forum trash is allegedly guilty of. Well, of course I could have misunderstood your clues haha.
Reason 3: SEAJ even though pretends to talk differently, when he is challenged, he cannot quit his unique relentless style of questioning back.
Reason 4: The posts that chiesien has made thus far are in the usual sections SEAJ used to frequent. He deliberately visited and dropped a comment at your recent sauna thread to befriend you. Nice move.
Reason 5: chiesien needs to earn k’s but could not afford to assume high profile, hence he has only made posts but not started any threads. Newbies starting new threads tend to get neg’d unless both the title and the content of the thread are reasonably well written. Since he decides to use bad English to assume a new identity, his threads will tend to get challenged. He knows this place.
Reason 6: chiesien doesn’t post one-liners. He knows the rules.
Reason 7: chiesien’s apparent bad English is not what it seems. With all the strategic typos and grammar problems, it’s never ambiguous. You can still understand it. chiesien understands that this is a tolerant forum where sub-par English, like that of another senior who likes to post different girls in a report, will not be criticized in general. This other senior, when he gets carried away as he tries to justify something, can get ambiguous and confusing. Again chiesien’s English is not ambiguous, and it’s actually better than the original SEAJ’s long-winded style.
Reason 8: SEAJ clearly stated that he would return with a different handle for the very purpose he said. SEAJ came back as Omigawd with the excuse that he wanted to thank a few members and bid farewell. But he actually wanted to test the waters to see if openly using a new handle would get banned again. Actually SEAJ had probed into this issue but you did not give him a definite answer. So SEAJ aka Omigawd eventually got the answer. Omigawd basically talked like SEAJ. But the new chiesien cannot talk like SEAJ.
Anyway even if I am correct, I am sure I am not the first three. Damn.
[ Last edited by pickyprick at 30-9-2012 12:31 ] | |