Reply #14 twiceAweek's post
ya man!! Live life to the fullest.
Dont neglect your family at home while you out there enjoying sex with all these young chicks.
Love your wife and fuck those biatches hardcore out there.
And of course due to financial constraint, punt moderately.
I have an uncle. If he comes to this part of the world, I take him to monger; HK, MAcau and China.
He is around 60s now. He;s been very active recently. I think he goes to WGs almost daily now.
When I asked him why so active now and I though he stopped a decade ago?
He answered me, I am in my 60s now, I know my body and before my lil bro goes hibernation and fail to erect, I want to fully utilise it before it becomes not usable.
He started mongering when he was a uni kid (my mum told me he was using the extra school fee $$ to seek out woman). And now he wants to grow old a happy man with wife + 3 kids at home.'
So Live your life to the fullest.
Addiction or Habit, it;s a cycle, ups and downs. You crave for it and you get cold feet, celibate but soon you be back. IT;s a cycle. | |