How About Dressing Up a Bit For Her Sake?
I just finished dinner seated one table away from an obvious WG/Punter situation in Vietnam, and it set me off on this little rant. The dude was fat, old and dressed like yesterday's laundry pile, wearing flip flops, untrimmed toenails that Godzilla would envy, and a wrinkled shirt in a town where ironing costs like $0.10! . Meanwhile, she was beautiful, young, demure and dressed subtly yet sexy; what I take as the sign of a semi-pro rather than the hard core prostitute (and I saw one of those when I was checking into my hotel two nights ago, and that WG was fiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnneeeeee!! , but I digress . . .)
My simple point is this: I suppose that, with the hard core working girl sluts, our dress and demeanor matter less, but for those semi-pros (you know, the college student working for extra bux, or the professional girl who's working to put her three worthless brothers through college) I think it discourages them to be seen with a slob, even though they really need the money. would it pain us all that much to throw on a sport coat and look like a million bucks (even if it's just a charade)?
In Asia, it's perfectly O.K. for a beautiful, talented young woman to be seen on the arm of an older man because it's presumed he has money and power. So make it enjoyable for the girl and at least act the part! Let's make it easy for these beauties to be seen with us (and even more importantly, talk their roommates into joining!! ) | |