Originally posted by AsnDragon at 10-6-2012 14:23
Unless you have an ironclad prenuptial agreement signed beforehand, most times it's quite useless to be "setting the rules" with girls these days. Besides, most girls won't even marr ... Contracts are only as good as what the signatories actually intend when signing....and as such, I personally do NOT subscribe to this idea/its usefulness in marriages. After all, human relationships relies on a million different items, some insignificant, some actually of life/death importance - how much can a piece of paper cover?
Rather than relying on pieces of paper, I personally believe that the male must have control and the upper hand in marriage. I mean, leave it to the gal to shape any marriage, not only will it be all skewed against the guy but in the final analysis, it will be misery for BOTH parties/a disaster. I mean, lets face it - women?? You really gonna let them run such an important enterprise as marriage? Yeah, quite a chauvinist - but come on....that's the privilege that one HAS as a male - and one that these bra burners want to always take away from us! Bitches!
control and the upper hand from the git-go and maintain such coz you ARE the man of the house.
Just iMHO of course
SEAN - I ain't no namby-pamby new age type guy!
And if the ladies/anybody else don't like wot I say - please refer to my avatar! |