I just noticed this thread. My first visit to SKM was two weekends ago. I rang the bell and got buzzed in. Went to the even floored elevator and waited (hoping to see Stella that evening). I noticed the guard sitting there but he didn't say anything. Got to the 14/F and the door to the flat is locked. Went to the 5/F to see if my plan B was available, nope...so down to 4/F. I understand there are also some 161 ladies on this floor, but no, every flat was locked up.
I went back a few days later, my last evening in HK. Got buzzed in and went to the elevator but was stopped by the guard asking for ID. I didn't have my passport on me, but fortunately always carry my passport card in my wallet. He took down some info and I was on my way up. I ended up seeing Yuki that evening and she told me the reason that no girl was working on Sunday was because it was Women's Day.
It doesn't bother me that the guard's taking down info. I was just surprised and was going to ask in my review of Yuki (before I saw this thread) if this is normal. I suppose next time I'll say I'm going to the restaurant, but since there're cameras on almost every floor, can the guard see what floor you're on?
As far as scaring away the WGs, as I'm writing this post, there are 9 ladies posting availability on 141 and who knows how many on 161 (cuz I can't read chinese). | |