Reply #22 wander's post
Know what guys - in the mongering world, we all expect adult behaviour and adult sense of responsibility; both for the monger as well as the WG.
And this is especially the case in Chang Ping as 100% of the mongers there know that they are there to screw around and 100% of the WG's are there to make money selling their body. And I'd even include DJ's, mommies, managers, footsy gals etc as being WG's - just that their approach to selling their body differs, but that the end result is the sale of their body.
Let's face it, we're nobody's brother's (or sister's) keeper in this very adult environment and all participants KNOWS what's at stake. No, I'm not advocating that we all specifically treat the gals badly - just act yourself.
I have in the past also contemplated on my own navel as to the appropriateness of my behaviour with WG's and had henceforth drawn up MY OWN code of conduct and have found the balance that indeed is required between my own conscience and how so very available pussy is when one pays for it.
I happen to LOVE romance/the feeling of falling love and will time and time again go for it - for I found that just going after PSE or wham-bam-thank-you-mam just don't do much for me. Like the OP, I DO treat girls with utmost care, kindness and gentlemanly behaviour. But at all times I have it in the back of my head that all this sweetness and light is predicated on $$$ changing hands; and I also ALWAYS make sure that my counter-party sweetheart is on the same page on this and will periodically remind her of such.
I'm pretty sure that I could get a lot of freebie-WG's - but will instead always insist on paying - as getting a freeby from a WG is too much like stealing from her. Please note that these are all my OWN IMHO/code of conduct and I'm not here to chastise anybody if they do aspire to get freeby WG's!
And just to reinforce what AsnD said about Singaporeans and Malaysian mongers - yes - you guys ARE the favorite of these CP WG's as they've all heard about the big bucks that you guys shower on your gals...and only visit perhaps once a month or even less. Compare that to the HKG guys who'd be up there half the time or the Taiwanese who're there working full time - heck - you guys are PRIME Tenderloin!
So, to put it more blunt than AsnD - don't think that all that "I Love you, oh I so miss you, oh you're so good to me that I cain;'t help myself but to fall for you etc etc" is ANYTHING more than a sales pitch. In other words - don't be a sucker and fall for it I can detect you doing from your OP filled with angst and guilt feelings etc. It's 99% bullshit in the WG world and especially so for CP.
Sorry for being perhaps a bit too blunt - but you ain't the first monger I've had to administer a strong dosage of WG/CP reality to; and namby-pamby words don't do nuthin' except make it worse!
SEAN - Sigh.....just remember - its all about money FIRST w/WG's and especially in CP! | |