Originally posted by hunter at 8-5-2012 18:00
I like to hear more about that HIV test called HIV PCR RNA.
Ask the doc id this test is really accurate for < 3 mths window.. The 'PCR" in these tests stands for 'Polymerase Chain Reaction" and it is the cornerstone of all genetic research, basically the breakthrough that made all modern genetic sequencing possible. It's the process of taking the tiniest genetic sample, even a single strand of DNA or RNA, and multiplying it thousands of times over.
In the old HIV tests, you had to wait at least 3 months because the lab was waiting for YOU to grow your own HIV up inside your own body to concentrations that were testable
In the new, PCR base, test they are using the PCR technology to grow the HIV genetic material. So even if your bloodstream has a concentration too low for the traditional test to see it, thePCR will find the tiniest snippet of HIV genetic material and amplify that up to a detectable level.
The guy responsible for bringing PCR into the modern age was Kary Mullis, accomplished surfer and Nobel Prize winning PhD. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kary_Mullis
Apparently he's also an HIV/AIDS denialist?? (didn't know that before looking him up on Wikipeadia!) so I guess he and Kantosupa ought to go get a beer? Me? I'm sticking with rubbers except for when I bareback the occasional crackwhore ladyboy in the alley behind the dumpster ('cause we all know THEY'RE safe, right? )
[ Last edited by TheButler at 9-5-2012 06:27 ] |