6-5-2012 20:14 |
From the few occasions I've left with WG from bars I've told the girl already that I'm a photographer.
In hotel room I usually show some of my work. So far had no problems taking photos of the girls.
I never promise any extra money but I promise to send photo to girls if they want to. Also I show
from my camera what I have taken.
I usually carry a big dslr, so no change hiding it! I put it into a shoulder bag when enetering places
like a sauna. When entering, they see camera and see that I put it away.
Also have 2 memory card slots inside and have a selection of nice classic nude photos on other.
So I can show what I mean to photograph. As I'm not interested in action photos. Sometimes I allowed
the girl take pictures of me also. Then I have deleted these she took of me after she has left.
I go to BBS with camera hanging from my shoulder or having it in my hand. No problems in Hainan!
I never take pictures of girls without permission. Same tactic as previous post. I offer no face photos if
otherwise not allowed.
In brothel also works, I just don't use flash. High ISO and 1,4 -2.0 aperture. I make color corrections
then to make photos look better. No photoshoping. Sometimes the wideangles make girls look a bit
strange and also not so much time to take photos. Some girls know how to pose but for some the photos don't really
look so good. Would need to make many visits and get them used to be photographed. Just too many
So my advise, talk and ask early in the process and no need to offer money. Offer sending photos via email
if they want to. It's fun. Maybe you should keep the photos safe from SO eyes? | |
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