Original Post

12-4-2012 16:18

Sorry you can not see these properly from the DB pic, but my collection of pics were decimiated around divorce time for logical reasons.

Anyway, I spent a lovely night with Alisa in Tseun Wan when I was staying in a hotel there (or should I say L'Hotel) when having meet a tagged girl for a movie and potential jump and saw she was a fattie and not the cutie she was 10 yrs earlier when she took her profile pics, I called up a PPS and had Alisa sent to my room at 1am and she stayed over. Her tits were completey MCOT - a very perky B cup, firm, and hot hot hot. She also gave a 10/10 service included fucking her up against the window looking at the view. Happy days. Anyone got a private collection of pics of her? I'll warm up my left hand in preparation.

cass 12-4-2012 16:24 Karma +3 Sultry!
redwearer 12-4-2012 17:44 Acceptance +1 My god...Pure hotness
JckJr 12-4-2012 18:51 Acceptance +1 not BB I hope!
SEAJ 24-4-2012 12:00 Karma +2 Decimated? LOL!

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