Original Post

28-3-2012 12:54
Elevator wars

So I had pretty weird situation happen in Kam Bong so I thought I would try to get an opinion on what the proper etiquette is here.

For those of you who do not know, Kam Bong in Sheungwan is a 9 story walkup with girls pretty much on every floor.  I was in there a few days ago and had a near altercation with an old Chinese guy.

We both walk into the elevator at the same time.  I press 9 so I can do my usual "start from the top and work my way down" routine.  The guy then immediately presses 8.

Now, living in Hong Kong, I've experienced any number of occasions where mainland Chinese people have cut me in line.  Not trying to say anything negative here as they grew up in a different world from me, but, end of the day, it pisses me off every time it happens.

The guy may have actually just wanted to go to 8 because there was someone in particular he wanted to see, but that thought didn't register.  My only thought was that he was basically conceding the 9th floor and trying to get first shot at everyone else in the building.  So...

I pressed 7.

This did not sit well with the dude.  He gave me a dirty look, then...

the m#@%* F^$*#& pressed 6.

I thought to myself "You f#*& a-hole"

After that, it got really weird in the elevator.  I was gonna start yelling, but then it occurred to me that I'm in a walkup and getting into a fight in an elevator would not be a good thing.  We just sat there, looking at each other, with the vibe being real uncomfortable as we went up.  He got off at 6, and I stayed on until 9... stopping at every floor on the way (FML).  What made it even more ridiculous is that I wound up with Flora on the 1st floor, so I didn't even need to go into the elevator in the first place.  I've reported on her in the past.  She's the same as usual.

In hindsight, I can laugh about it now.  It was kind of ridiculous.  However, I'm actually not sure what the cool thing to do here is.  My guess is that you're supposed to both go to 9, and then when you get out of the elevator, you're supposed to go separate ways because we all hate it when we're followed around while we're knocking on doors.  Not sure if going to 8 is better or not.  It seems like line-cutting but maybe it's just me.  I've been cut in line too many times here so perhaps I'm just oversensitive.

Anyways, feedback would be appreciated.

SEAJ 28-3-2012 13:36 Karma +1 LMAO!
xavierkk 28-3-2012 14:30 Karma +1 LOL!
wander 28-3-2012 19:32 Acceptance +1 Waaaay too sensitive, Bro. Do your own thing...
gwailoplayer 28-3-2012 19:54 Karma +1 dude, dial back on the caffeine intake and aggression output
masteryama 28-3-2012 21:26 Acceptance +1 LMAO, should have pressed 2 after him
HKPooner 29-3-2012 14:54 Karma +1 Freaking hilarious man!!
DArtagnan 30-3-2012 06:48 Karma +5 ROFLMAO ... funniest thing I read in months :-D
Frenchexpat 30-3-2012 17:06 Karma +2 With a name like this, I wouldnt piss you off! ;)
Hkpunternewb 30-3-2012 17:08 Acceptance +1 LOL had a similar experience like this last year, but just kept quiet
reggid 31-3-2012 09:35 Karma +2 Awesome

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