Originally posted by yyy111 at 4-3-2012 19:46
punting not illegal in visiting/home country ... Here's is an example of where it gets complicated: for U.S. citizens it doesn't matter what the law is in the country they're visiting, they can still be charged with solicitation when the return home.In another vein, just because everyone in the tech world is willing to look the other way about this hobby, that doesn't mean they (or the authorities) always will. Witness the Singapore Geylang surveillance women putting up videos on the web of punters in Geylang, or the kook in Oklahoma who videos guys picking up street walkers and posts it. Just because Google doesn't care about your hobby today (except to serve you viagra ads! ) doesn't mean they won't care (or the authorities won't care) tomorrow or 5 years from now. Google and Facebook make billions of dollars every year because they know where you surf. Just because they're being good guys today and keeping that intel anonymous doesn't mean they'll always do so and even more importantly: since that info is worth billions to them, it's worth just as much to others. Some will want to make money on it, but there are even more right wing religious nut jobs that would want that info just to make a point and clean up society (in their opinion).
My point is that, while you may be perfectly safe letting the Google computer read your emails today, you may not always be and as social mores change so do the enforcement efforts that go with those mores. We could find ourselves in a much more restrictive society in the future and there are plenty of people, from fundamentalists and moralists, to TV producers and Politicians who would love to make a big deal over who surfs where, what sites they visit and what they talk about with working girls.
The more privacy the better, you need one huge margin of safety between you and society on this one! |