the dreaded PONG
once again, not a doc but i do find Wikipedia a good source of info.
what we're discussing is vaginitis, and the three main culprits are bacterial vaginosis (BV), vaginal candidiasis, and trichomoniasis. sounds dire, right? OMG the PONG will kill Candy my favorite WG.
no it won't. u can check the clinical advice at, but basically, there's a lotta bacteria in the vagina--just like there is in your guts. some of this bacteria is GOOD: probiotics like lactobacilli. u need these to digest of the prevention methods suggested against the PONG is: "Consuming good bacteria in products with live-culture, such as yogurt, sauerkraut and kimchi, or simply through probiotic supplements."
since few of us have much control over WGs' diets (and there are of course other factors: yeast balance, too much douching, vaginal pH...our favorite mystery cave is complex), there isn't much we can do. the PONG should be checked by a doc as there may be multiple factors. it's not as simple as a skin rash. sometimes you need antibiotics. probiotics and prevention is a great concept, but the WG-lifestyle isn't prone to dietary-tweaking.
i loathe the PONG, and with all this discussion, i think it's time for TITS (and a smile):
yes, some fine Southeast Asian tits, and the lady liked yogurt too!
eat YOGURT!!
JtB | |