If you use and post on Facebook. Stop.
It will all be used against you at some point. wander's mandate may sound harsh to some. but he's on the right track.
i joined FB a couple of yrs ago, as i was worried about a couple of ppl, including a co-worker who was convinced she was going to die within the month. turns out she went to some Temple St fortune-teller who told her that. a young woman in her 20s, posting incessantly about her imminent death...i wondered if i shd talk to her. had no idea what was going on. there was another person i was "keeping tabs" on. no WGs.
but when i learned how difficult it is to get OFF FB, i determined that it wasn't for me. i have relatives in Europe whose albums i cd browse, whatever. but email works fine--i have separate accts for various ppl. no one can "tag" me.
there are many cases of ppl posting about how their jobs suck, only to find they are somehow connected to their boss. imagine yr SO somehow seeing yr list of WG "friends"...can't happen? have u been keeping track of FB's regard for their customers' privacy?
as we get more interconnected, privacy becomes more important. in certain US states, the police can confiscate yr mobile and plug it into a device which will strip all the info right off. yes, they have caught criminals this way. but more and more, as our privacy rights are eroded, people get used to it.
the problem is that the major-players care about their bottom line, NOT whether yr SO is filing legal papers because of what she found out on yr Google-plus or FB acct, or camera memory card, or SIM card. they want u tied into their various services, because the more users they have, the higher their market-cap. most users don't have major problems--some minor squabbles perhaps, a little useful info and a lot of fluff.
there's also the addictive nature of FB--i admit i spend more time on this site than maybe i should. but there are quantifiable benefits, as The Hobby is not an exact science. and i like to chronicle my misadventures. i think wander's approach sounds well thought out. he's explained it thoroughly and it could serve as a model for those who wanna keep tabs on WGs.
but "COMPLETE FICTION" as far as identity is the way to go. putting WGs or even fellow mongers on yr actual FB acct...don't, just DON'T. this is not a test. this is something that is likely to haunt you.
OK, off soapbox. play safe, gents.
JtB |