Original Post

11-2-2012 09:02

Originally posted by fa1rgame at 10-2-2012 11:17
anyone ever had any problems with ladies form 141 with visible signs of STDS ? are they generally clean?

I've never had any problems from visible STDs.  If a girl has an STD that you can see I figure you can safely work around it.    I did once get a blister on the tip of my tongue after rimming a 141 walkup girl but she had a hairy anus and didn't wipe much.     So other than that it's been no problem . . . except for the time I had a girl with a fishy smelling vagina; I didn't want to put my dick in there so I finger banged her and she was happy.  Trouble was it took two weeks for the smell to wear off my hand and every dog in the street kept coming up and trying to lick me.   The rash went away in about 5 days, but the smell lasted 2 weeks.  So other than those two times I've never had a problem.  Well, if you don't count the anal warts from the poison dragon drill I tried, but that was just once and those can be burned off.

I did get a couple of oozing chancres on my left ass cheek a couple years back, but I don't know who I got them from so they don't count, and that one time with the tranny doesn't count either because, well, as all straight guys know, trannies don't count if you're really wasted.    And of course I did get gonorrhea once (who hasn't?   ) but I'm sure that was from my own HJ (used the same hand with the stinky pussy on it) so that's clearly my own fault and doesn't count.

So, no, never had a problem!

yazoo 11-2-2012 14:12 Karma +1 LOL. You are outed. You ARE Ron Jeremy!
halfclover 12-2-2012 15:58 Karma +1 Loved your post.

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