Originally posted by pixel268 at 6-2-2012 09:24
i don't like fake ones if they are out of proportion to the girl's frame; plus i like to squeeze them hard so if they are fake, there's a fear of popping them... that's a not a good feeling when you'r ... It's unlikely that you could "pop" them unless you're some kind of 800lb gorilla. In fact, very strong massage is one of the techniques that is recommended post surgery to avoid the dreaded capsular contraction (scarring and hardening). Like Kennichi said, these things are not a lifetime addition and they have to be replaced periodically. While the girl may have gotten them inserted through a tiny incision in the armpit (or even through the navel) that's not how they're going to come out, and the second round usually requires a more invasive surgery.
I don't mind a well done set of bolt-ons, although I prefer all natural even if they're smaller. And I've known some girls who actually gain erotic sensitivity from the surgery (and of course some who go numb), so go figure!
Capsular contraction happens when a thick layer of scar tissue forms over the implant. This is a natural reaction to injury or infection in the body. The problem is that the scar tissue contracts and any of you engineers who've studied hydraulics know that when you try to compress liquid (you can't) what you get is something as solid as rock that can lift tons. This is the principle behind any hydraulic jack or the hydraulic rams of a bulldozer. What it means for a breast implant is that the formerly perfect, slightly drooping and natural shape of the implant is now compressed into a perfectly round sphere and you get a skinny girl with hard round balls stapled to her chest. Bummer!
Capsular contraction is thought to be associated with less than perfect sterility in the operating suite, and perhaps the use of smooth versus textured implants, but it's still imperfect and can take some time to show up. Usually a brand new boob job will be great, but 12 months later . . .
Anyway, the latest and greatest technique is liposuctioning out the woman's own fat, mixing it with stem cells and then injecting it into her boobs. The stems cells help the fat "take" and survive and they've slowly improved the technique to gain up to 1 or 2 cup sizes. Still not widespread though. |