it's good to be introspective every so often. take inventory. find out what's important to u, and what u just THINK is important.
i like The Hobby. i've been in serious relationships, lived with women...let's leave it at that. some guys are happy just being involved (sexually and otherwise) with one woman, and i salute them.
but that's not me. perhaps it's in my DNA, or perhaps because i was a nerd in high school--cd not play sports and disliked that whole mentality, socially awkward, girls wd laugh at me. this at a time when i was so horny i cdn't think straight. i'd watch my schoolmates blossom into these sexual creatures, knowing i'd never EVER have a chance.
things changed, i found a fellow teen who was interested, things got interesting. later on, when i cd borrow the family car, things evolved. by the time i hit university, things were different.
but maybe i never got over that high-school rejection. and maybe i'm compensating now. whaddaya think? any Freud-wannabees reading this?
i look at it this way: i had my chance to have a regular relationship, kids, work regular shifts and pack a lunch. i lived in the US midwest--not near anywhere fun, like Chicago or Detroit. i was stuck in a place i loathed. i had to change...and my life has been much more interesting since.
i chose travel, life in Asia, educating myself as an adult, learning new skills and becoming a professional. nowadays, if i wanted a serious relationship, it wouldn't be like some TVB drama, with 20-something-types juiced up on hormones.
frankly, i don't WANT a serious relationship. i have friends (male and female) and i enjoy life. maybe later this will come back to haunt me, but ya know what: none of us knows how our lives will turn out, we just do the best we can.
but i like sex. i like female sexual response. and i like Asian women. back on the midwestern tundra, there were precious-few. i'm now living in a place that suits me better.
with this forum, there's an element of addiction on my part. but there's also camraderie. i've said since i first got online (in '87, when there were BBSs (Bulletin Board Systems) that merely interacting via data isn't enough--you need to meet at least some of the people yr interacting with. fortunately, i've been able to meet some of the gents on this board and have found them intelligent, literate, gentlemanly, quirky, and as interested in The Hobby as myself. we all have different approaches and, vive le difference!!
with many i haven't met, i still feel a sense of kinship. we're all hobbyists after all. for some, the lure of Wanchai (drama, drinks, late-night madness) is the thing. others prefer exotic women in hotel-rooms. i like walk-ups for the most part, but enjoy trying something new. i've been friendly and helpful with certain girls, but never suggest i'm going to become a boyfriend or sponsor. this means the motto: "you never lose yr girl, only yr place in line" applies to me. so be it.
i'm a monger, i like the info many bros provide, and i return the favor by writing reports and posting pix. i like that the points are labeled "Karma"--guys who haven't figured it out yet, it IS karma. u get out of this forum what u put into it.
it helps that i enjoy writing and test out different techniques with these reports. i've also gotten better at photography--not by much, but a little. again, evolution. you keep evolving as a person, keep learning...some wd say: "hmph! what do u learn by paying some woman for sexual services?!" well, maybe not as much as u wd in intensive language-class, but if u pay attention, u DO learn: how to communicate, what u like, what's surprising...there's always something if u observe. Hong Kong is an interesting place and we have sex-workers from all over Asia and even beyond. there's an ecosystem existing just underground. as it's forever shifting, i love the Japanese term "mizu shobai": the floating world. it's better to float than to sink...and while i plan to monger as long as i can get it up, if a red-top minibus hops the pavement and cancels my contract tomorrow, i'll already have had a lot, a lot, a LOT of fun. hellyeah!!
[ Last edited by JackTheBat at 30-1-2012 00:58 ] | |