the taxi-metaphor
heard this years back and it's always stuck with me.
u need to get somewhere and u need a taxi. u stick out yr hand and wave down a taxi. guy stops, u open the door, he starts the meter and takes u where u wanna go.
maybe (esp in HK) the taxi-driver just smoked a cig and the air is foul. u open a window. other times the car is spotless, u settle back, send a few text msgs, whatever.
after awhile u get to yr destination. sometimes traffic is bad and it's a bit annoying. sometimes it's smooth and no aggro. you're early, u can stop by a nearby shop and pick up something u've needed for a week.
then u pay the guy and get out of the taxi, and someone else gets in.
now, do u fret about who might have taken that taxi earlier that day, yesterday, whatever? do u think: wow, that taxi-driver must not have driven me as well as he drove the next passenger?
no. u don't.
of course, WGs are not taxis--they're ppl with feelings, they get tired, they might have had a string of rude clients, they might be seeing u for the first time. u might have had a bad day at work, argument with SO, whatever. sometimes we ALL have to take one for the team.
or u might have seen them a few times, u bring them some fruit, they're happy to see u. and u end up having a great time. so it's more complex than a taxi-ride, BUT...
both the taxi-driver and the WG are doing their jobs. just as we do our jobs--like another bro pointed out, u might spend time with clients because it's part of doing biz, and that too is work. we do our jobs, they do theirs. sometimes work is fun. sometimes it's a chore.
but no one ever thinks: OMFG, just who was in this taxi last week?
[ Last edited by JackTheBat at 12-1-2012 23:19 ] | |