Reply #1 66bob6's post
Foot massage is just exactly what it is called: a lot of attention to your poor tired and walked-upon feet.
Don't let that put you off, it is amazing, and has therapeutic effects way beyond your feet ...
for example, the first one I ever had, the masseuse started telling me about back pain (which I'd kinda forgotten about it's so endemic) and a weak digestion (which several other independent doctors had also commented on), all from what she found in my feet - to this day I don't know how they figure stuff out!
though you will definitely be walking on air after a good foot massage
yes, definitely go for a longer one, that will boost the parts that a shorter foot massage won't reach
be aware
if you've never had a foot massage in the past, most people report the first time is excruciatingly painful. Not painful in an intolerable way, but painful in the way that getting rid of a long-standing knot can be painful.
If it's very painful to you, you can ask them to be more gentle, but do go the distance, don't cut it short.
And if you CAN bear it, take what they give you, going strong has a bigger and more lasting impact, and it'll be worth it at the end! | |