what SEAJ and D'Art said, plus...
the two gents listed, IMHO, generally have sound, thoughtful advice.
but guilt is a personal thing. some people grow up in religious contexts with heavy regulations on sexual expression that are often interpreted as SEX IS BAD. this can produce guilt-driven activity persists on a subconscious level.
mongering isn't for everybody--if guilt is problematic, perhaps The Hobby is not for you. but as other bros have pointed out, it's not going to disappear because you feel guilt. the world's oldest profession...
if you want to continue, consider focusing on making the experience as much fun as possible. WGs like guys who are clean, polite and fun. bring 'em some fruit. my feeling: this is their job, they can have some grumpy guy ordering them around, or they can have a fun time with someone who treats them well.
if yr the latter, and u still feel guilt...something may be missing from the equation.
JtB | |