Hi there.
For Filipinas who aren't fulltime pros, I would say absolutely Sundays in Wanchai. Take a look at the forum, there are a few particular places mentioned thought the forum that are great for this sort of scene. I'm not as familiar as te risk of running into my own helper in Wanchai is enough to keep me far away.
As for other ladies, yes, Wednesday is a ladies night in Soho or LKF bars. Not sure which bars specifically though. The ladies you'll get in these places on a Wed will be divorced expats staying in HK for their kids and for the lifestyle thir ex-husband can give them in HK. Also, many MBA ladies in HK (married but available). For whatever reason this is common here. Lastly, professional girls having some drinks.
All in all, I would say the "non-pro" scene in HK is no different than that in NY, London, Tokyo, Paris, etc. there are 4 basic rules to the game and I guarantee you'll get laid:
1. Be handsome
2. Dress and groom yourself well
3. Be rich
4. Be interesting.
Simple as that. | |