Originally posted by deepfried at 22-10-2011 16:13
I am fairly new to this, but maybe I can help. Also, if you can think of phrases in English you wish to say in Chinese, I can translate it. Here's a few I think might help.
Big Tits - Dai Boh
Big butt - Dai Law (Dai means big)
Skinny - Soal
How much $$ - Gai Doh Tsin
What time - Gai Doh Dim
(Gai Doh = how many or much)
To the girls
Harder - Dai Lik Dee
Softer - Tsai Lik Dee You gotta get your pronunciation correct, or the pimp will not have the faintest clue what's being said. I'll write it here in Jyutping so there is a basis for correctness.
daai6 bo1 = big tits
sau3 = skinny
gei2 do1 c(h)in2 = how much $?
gei2 do1 dim2 = what time? --- not gai
Anyway, this is all I say every time... and it does the job.
When talking to the pimp, you just need to say:
我想book XXXX, 佢6點鐘得唔得?
ngo5 soeng2 book XXXX, keoi5 6 dim2 zung1 dak1 m4 dak1?
I want to book XXXX, is she 6 o'clock ok?
if he says m4 dak1, then you propose a new time 7點鐘得唔得 7 dim2 zung1, dak1 m4 dak1 aa3?
bin1 dou6?
then when he says the hotel in chinese for which you probably dunno where it is... you either
a) on the way re-call the guy and give the phone to the taxi driver
b) ask him to say the hotel in english
You might want to also say in Chinese:
kok3 bou2 keoi5 hai6 zan1 hai6 go2 go3 neoi5 zai2
make sure she is really that girl. |