Original Post

15-10-2011 00:12
buying Viagra

i'm sure it's easy to get in HK. and of course there are online pharmas, best to have a referral like bro paladin supplied.

i buy Indian-made products in Phnom Penh. they are the identical chemical (mentioned elsewhere here). costs/expiry dates vary but i get mine at an air-con pharmacy. it's a fraction of the cost u'd spend in HK (well, not counting the airfare!).

if taking the stuff u shd read up on it in Wikipedia and/or other sources. it's not just a pretty blue piece of candy. if you're taking nitrates, for example, Viagra can KILL you. it's best to ask yr doctor or medical professional if u start trying this stuff out.

the side-effects/reactions are fairly standard, but dosages do vary. if trying it for the first time and u don't have any great difficulty achieving erection as is, start with 25 mg. yes, that requires splitting a 100 mg tab into quarters. i use a single edge razor-blade or a sliding razor-cutter, haven't tried a pill-cutter but those likely work fine.

V is not some miracle drug. u won't look at a Hong Kong sidewalk rubbish-bin and get a boner. but for myself and plenty of other guys, it enhances and sustains erections. as u age, this ability diminishes and V becomes handier. at the moment, 50 mg is optimum for my needs. but again, read about it before you try it. absolutely, if u have an erection lasting hours (i wouldn't watch the clock until i was sure 240 minutes had passed), see a doctor immediately. this isn't normal. popping a woodie when u walk into a hotel room and see the cutie u booked is even cuter than her DB pix, however, is normal. sex then proceeds and after u cum yr boner shd subside...altho it's easier to coax back into play if the situation permits.

incidentally, women generally don't like to know that u've taken the stuff--this is of course less important with WGs.but if u have an SO, u want her thinking her wondrous feminine charms and your deep undying love for her is causing your pork-torpedo to stiffen mightily, not some enzyme-inhibitor you bought at a pharmacy.


Frenchexpat 16-2-2012 15:03 Karma +1 Haha, nicely written!

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