Am gonna C+P my post from another thread it probably also have validity for us to discuss here.
It is from:
An Observation ... 4173&highlight=
Sorry guys - gonna be a bit harsh here...
And of course just offering my usual - LOL!
But you Western and Western-world brought-up guys tend to over-analyze things - especially this topic.
Us who've been brought up within the realities AND practicalities of Asia (remember, we're mostly still hardly out of 3rd world status) - just accepts WG's, prostitution etc, like you guys take it for granted that McDonalds is just....there! I mean, forCrissakes - it IS the world's oldest profession!
Fathers routinely talks about - and even bring their sons to - prostitutes to let their progeny KNOW the difference between Good and Bad girls, arm them with this street-wise knowledge to NOT fall into traps laid by "bad' girls, and perhaps even allow them to explore everything about Females in order to let them KNOW themselves what features/characteristics the young man should be searching for in his quest for his companion for life.
OK, next stage of life - the young man is married and trying to make his way up in his profession etc. Frustrations, hard slog - he needs "relief" that only a WG can provide AND allow him to come back home to a nice harmonious family without having to take out his frustrations at his young wife/mother. How many of you Westerners/western brought up guys look to your family for ALL your happiness? Oh really?? The family SHOULD Be the only source of happiness???!!! How unrealistic/head in the sand/frustrating for everybody!
Third Stage - a bit of success - which he now needs to sort of flaunt to validate him in front of this peers as well as in his own eyes - especially since the SO is now just a happy old bag that he's still taking care of financially and emotionally. She happy, he happy.
Then...if he's lucky..Big success - and all the trappings that power and money brings ...including the trophy mistress (part or full time) that is just expected around here.
And BTW - nothing "Sad" or "pathetic" about old/older mongers - they've succeeded in life, they can afford it and let me assure you, they still very much enjoy SEX as much as young bucks! In fact more - as P4P is NO LONGER a guilt ridden (am I spending too much vs providing for the family) worrying (at being caught etc) and expensive (relative to their now net worth) ride, PLUS nowadays, there is Vit. V, C!!
Mongering is GREAT at all ages and is not the guilt ridden - and illegal - trauma that is often the cases in the hung-up-with-Judeo-Christianity-morality West.
You're on an Asian based mongering site - so guys.... GET WITH THE PROGRAM!!