Original Post

7-10-2011 08:54
Reply #51 inbkk's post

Why are we debating this as a pay / don't-pay situation?  
It's not: No reason to feel pressure to pay the full amount of a request!!  

you know how it works

One guy is really generous - and gives her half
Someone else (maybe an aunt) - can afford to give her a quarter
A friend - lends her an eigth of the amount
someone donates a sixteenth
she finds a 1/32 in a piggy-bank she forgot about
and gets a job for a day to source 1/64
and ...

... pretty soon she has the full amount.  

You don't NEED to be the hero on the white charger who completely solves her problem and makes it go away

UNLESS you CAN afford it, AND feel the money really doesn't matter to you in the context of your relationship, AND want to take that role in her life.  
If you don't tick all the boxes, don't do it.  

For sure, a man giving his earnings to a woman in exchange for companionship, work, and for sex, is something that happens far more often than a woman being the bread-winner.  It's normal.  Why sweat it?  If you can afford it, give, but only give what you can afford.  If you can't, don't, and move on ...  

... knowing all along ... some other dude who is a bit richer and a bit more generous than you might take your place ...

doghead 7-10-2011 12:47 Acceptance +1 Totally agree. I have seen it in action myself.

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