Original Post

5-10-2011 07:32

I tend to agree with the less-harsh judgement a few Bros have stated.

I've had the "money-call" many times (from regulars who I've seen a ton, had a great connection, and hoped to see again).  As SEAj pointed out - they are WGs:  their source of income is us.  That's it.  In your case, it sounds to me as though this gal has been quite straight with you.

Anyway:  I've handled it this way with positive results:  I just told them straight up: "Baby, I love being with you, and when I am with you I'll be as generous as usual...., but dont ask me to send money.".

That said, I HAVE sent money on occassion to a regular when the "stars aligned" and my gut said "do it":  once to help a gal remove a breast-cancer tumor (She showed me the scars when we met next a few months later, so proved my instinct was right and she was NOT lying).  That cost me about HK$7000 I believe, and since then she's screwed me (for free) about 20 times.  Says I "saved her life"!  

Karma anyone?


The fact is, you are NOT responsible to support her and you made no promises to do so, so try not to feel overly bad about it.  It is hard though - a sweet gal who you've spent a lot of intimate fun time with is asking for a favour - and you say "no".  Can make you feel like shit--- and they KNOW it!  It's why it often works.

So, my take.  Tell her "no" and that you hope to see her soon and you'll be generous then.

Sexinc 5-10-2011 12:50 Karma +1 THIS! he pretty much sums it up for me :)
SEAJ 5-10-2011 14:16 Karma +1 Well put and mirrors my thoughts.
sirtiger 5-10-2011 20:32 Acceptance +1 Excellent

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