Affairs with Sauna gals!
With appropriate apologies, I'm going to C+P a post I just put up on mtmtmt61's GREAT thread
"SHANGHAI - Sauna - Xin Yuping" ... id=30519&page=2
I basically am flabbergasted that prior to reading this thread that I had never even considered possible having anything but just getting sex service when with a sauna girl; that I HAD been guilty of treating sauna sessions/gals as nothing more than sessions with a piece of meat. And that there ARE definite possibilities with sauna gals.
Anyway, I thought that this topic is probably something worthy for us to at least idle chat about - and thus my C+P herewith:
This has got to be the place I NEED to go to and am definitely gonna figure out when I could get up there...just to try it out; THAT is how attractive the place is to me after reading your reports! THANKS!
And another thing I'm quite amazed about - although I should have realized this even just reading your other reports - is the fact that you could time and again get so "IN" a relationship with sauna girls. As you mentioned, yes, I do love the feeling of falling in love and will always pursue such with any gal I feel I connect with - but this phenomena has never actually ever occurred to me with a sauna girl.
It's either that I don't visit saunas often enough or else it's a result of my own mind-set when I do go to saunas; that in my mind, what with these gals doing it so many times a day, a week, a month etc that there's just no way that they could have ANY real feelings. But reading your far away from the truth could I be!!
Correct me if I'm wrong - but could it precisely be that there is just too many of us mongers who go to saunas with the same mind-set I have, that makes these gals long all the more for that one particular guy? A guy who just gets in to their soft spot? That as soon as they detect that this particular client is NOT just treating them as a piece of meat, that they feel human...and thus vulnerable?
So many questions from this, now I figure out, actually totally newbie sauna go-er - ME!! I mean, I THOUGHT I was at least a reasonably experienced sauna go-er - but now I feel like a total noob!
Again learn something new every day!
The darn thing though, is that these days I'm learning TOO MANY new things from this - a SEX BOARD!!
[ Last edited by SEAJ at 18-9-2011 19:53 ] | |