hey, even i can manage "toilet hai bin do wah," LOL! next step: "chi-so hai bin do wah," mwah ha ha!
as much as i dislike the GDS, it is minor compared to the Japanese level of xenophobia across the spectrum. social stigma, sexual stigma, everything. u don't even have to go to Japan: try Bangkok, where some bars and massage-parlors will have big signs saying "JAPANESE ONLY"...they're in English because they're to show Japanese customers that English-reading gaijin are banned, therefore the talent is untainted. pretty absurd, eh? i should add that many Japanese people i know feel the same way--but it's a strong culture, and has a history of isolationism. the USA, where i was born and raised, is also historically isolationist and aside from the coasts, hasa high level of xenophobia and monolingualism. as journalist/humorist Nury Vittachi once put it: "Americans are big, very friendly people who know absolutely nothing about Asia and don't care." that's not 100% true of course, but while there might not be signs, a group of Japanese tourists strolling into a honky-tonk tavern in rural Texas might not find themselves welcome.
and Thailand is certainly xenophobic as well--there are MPs with overt dual-pricing systems. one guess who pays the higher prices. this dual-pricing policy applies to more than some massage places, as expat Thailand-residents can attest.
again, i'm glad to be welcomed in HK where the highest hurdle is my language-inability. even so, for the most part everything goes well, both the lady and i have a fun time, at a reasonable rate.
when i lived in Tokyo, i went out on dates that were surreal (anyone see the Japanese film AUDITION, by director Takashi Miike? i've BEEN on dates like the one in the earlier part of the film). once a client came in, a young women who "went out with foreigners," as my boss confided to me in a conspiratorial whisper. you can't say "you mean, with people like me?" to yr boss in Japan. they're just relaying the info. and it was just as SEAJ noted: "just like that." again, it's the culture, and those willing to step outside cultural bounds often find new worlds of interest.
so yes, "everyone knows" as SEAJ mentioned. and i can appreciate the social stigma. but...in Coronet Court?? never had any complaints when the gwailo picks a gal from a lineup in Zhuhai or Macau, it's just not a big deal. we have fun and if i put some effort into learning some basic Mando, we'd have even more fun.
as for the porn...sigh. anyone who's had real sex and watched porno knows that porn is a lengthy advertisement, and advertisements lie. i'm all for eroticism and fantasy, but some gal who's not familiar with varieties of penii ought not to be using porno as a YARDstick (pun intended). those guys are chosen from a large sample in southern California (tho many came from elsewhere) and the main criterion is an outsized penis. guy's shy or exhausted? give him more Red Bull and Viagra! imagine being a naive WG and watching these sweaty models schlonging some silicon blondie, her storebought titties banging against his forehead as she screams "FUCK ME U RED-MEAT-MONSTER!" or whatever bullshit. what a load of steaming whaleshite!
then there's the Japanese variety: Korean WGs are prized in California, for example. Singapore too, where they're advertised as "100% pure Korean"--then they get to HK, the agent slaps some fake Japanese name on them and tells them they must pretend to be Japanese. so they practice a few J-phrases and squeal like they're in a Japanese porno, the guy forks over an excessive amount of cash and thinks, wow, i banged a gal like in the Japanese pornos. no, u didn't. u banged a Korean gal who wd prefer to be ID'd as Korean but has no choice.
if u wanna bang a REAL Japanese porno star, u had yr chance last month in Macau--it was advertised on this board. there will be other chances...needless to say, it's not Sham Shui Po prices but you CAN fulfill yr fantasy. or would you rather buy a designer watch? your choice, bro. but yes: these are REAL Japanese porn stars: u can buy their DVDs and think, "i was there, yes, right THERE." on the other hand, if u speak some Korean, u can have a great time with these fake "JGs"...i know one guy in HK who does that, and they love it. they can be what they are, and that's a good thing.
porn skews the equation for us gwailo punters, Chinese WGs and Korean WGs. it's a shame: i've had great times with Chinese WGs and it's too bad that those who've literally run away didn't have the opportunity to enhance their revenue because they thought i would ruin their precious part with a mythic meatclub. it's too bad KGs have to pretend to be JGs in HK, when they can be advertised as 100% Korean in Singapore and other places.
long-winded rant, but these stereotype-vectors are multi-directional. i had a great time with the Thai ladies over at the Mido as they aren't used to the fast-paced culture here, don't like the food, and appreciate that i can speak Thai to a passable level and like to have fun. they told me to write up reports so they can get MORE gwailo biz, and some definitely did! while the Chinese-side of this forum is much larger, there was a case where my reports helped these girls out. so, silver lining to every cloud.
have fun out there!
[ Last edited by JackTheBat at 11-9-2011 13:45 ] | |