Original Post

19-6-2011 07:44

The fact that you are on here asking this,  is already an indication that in the back of your mind
you are going to monger.   Deal with the desire now.  Suppressing it will only complicate things
down the road as your feelings for her become more and more contaminated by your repressed desires.
Even if she is willing to accept your activity "du jour" this time,  there will come a time when she
draws a line as to how "accommodating" she will be. Sooner or later you will be in for some disappointment.

That said, what remains is for you to decide what you truly want from the relationship.  Are you looking for
a long term commitment with her?  Do you love her? How do you see yourself 10 or 20 years from now?
Hard questions,  not easily answered.  But if you care about her and really don't want to risk losing her, then
you have to at least attempt to weigh the consequences of your future actions.

Be sure of one thing and one thing only.....if you try deceit, you will fail, ultimately, everyone gets caught.

mchk 19-6-2011 19:31 Karma +1 Good advice, does he want a long term future with this girl?
wander 21-6-2011 00:40 Acceptance +1 I think I do.. She sounds great! Hehe

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