Original Post

18-3-2011 17:28

The largest clusters known to me are (in descending order)...

1. Fuji Bldg, Causeway Bay (381-383 Lockhart Road) - 20 floors (4-6 girls per floor)
2. Champaign Court Block B, Tsimshatsui (16 Kimberly Road) - 4 floors (15-25 girls per floor)
3. Foremost Bldg, Jordan (19-21 Jordan Road) - 10 floors (6-12 girls per floor)
4. Hop Yee Bldg, Causeway Bay (474-476 Lockhart Road) - 8 floors (8-10 girls per floor)

The estimate of girls are during rush hour (6pm to 9pm).

For punters concerned about safety, you will never have to worry with these clusters.  There will surely be many fellow punters wondering those complexes, especially during rush hour.

I've never been to Sun Kai Mansion in Wanchai.  Will explore this one when I'm in town next month.  From the database, the prices seem awfully high ($480-$500).

hkpunter999 9-10-2014 02:32 Acceptance +1
Libra 23-12-2014 10:57 Acceptance +1 Thanks ! For non resident finally a report with complete addresses. Most appreciate
Ricklick 15-7-2015 10:36 Acceptance +1 will try Jordan Rd thx
isaacdeweyliu 26-4-2016 12:22 Acceptance +1
labanog 16-9-2016 23:15 Acceptance +1
zebrazebra 20-6-2018 11:26 Acceptance +1

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