Original Post

10-3-2011 11:53
Reply #1001 TonyC's post

If it is a sort of Guide to what is available anywhere, yes you can and should post it up in the relevant location section.  But there's a couple things I want you to remember:

1. This site is basicaly a site about PAID sex related hobbying and posting about freebies and picking up girls etc is generally NOT favorably looked upon.

2. If your posting is generally to ask a question, then you should post it up in the Q & A section.  On the other hand, if it is more a discussion topic, then you should put up a thread in the chat section (the same as where this thread is at.)

Another thing is that there is already a ton of information/discussions/answers on a lot of topics - and for newbies, I do recommend that you first do a bit of reading especially the "Getting Started" section.  And I would suggest that you do read through this instead of just skimming though it like I did when I first started here - to my chagrin and frustration as I of course then went ahead and made quite a few "transgressions" which were not favorably looked at by the seniors!!   Errrr.... and that is putting it quite mildly!!  LOL!

Specific to your question on catching something from BBBJ - well, again there had been quite a few discussions on this in the past which you can "search" for; the general concensus if I can recall is that - YMMV or that most will take the quite minor chances - for after all, one cannot be 100% safe in anything one does in life.  Personal choices and all that.

Again welcome to our forum and this thread - and my best wishes for your long and fruitful membership here.


TonyC 14-3-2011 22:58 Acceptance +1 Read, thanks for the tip :)

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