7-3-2011 23:31 |
Photos - a random thought.
I'm being a bit silly here, but I am soon to be getting a new passport and I saw in the place I got my pics they offer a service to hide grey hair, remove double chins etc and the thought occurred to me...
All i need to do is apply to offer my services on this website, I know the guys who do the pics will do a fantastic job of PS'ing my image and I'll end up looking like the sexiest man in Hong Kong... A bargain model portfolio for probably half the price the model agencies charge!
Hmmm, actually, maybe that is a worrying thought - I shouldn't be thinking of just getting my passport photos taken! | |
SkinnyForum |
8-3-2011 00:58 |
Acceptance +1 |
Or you'll end up looking like an alien. |
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