Original Post

7-3-2011 11:28
1K 141 PRC HG - One of the most Expensive

One of the most expensive 141 PRC HG.
she is from Dalian, North China hottie.
B Cup, slender. Pussy with lots of KY.
Slim and elegant face.

Waiting to hear a real report from English Bros!!  
I want to cum in her mouth and anal fuck her....

This thread will be combined to AV sharing - WGs revealed thread shortly.


http://www.sex141.com/en/viewid. ... pd=-1&keyword=bella

Report LINKs:
Special thanks to:
Winniethepoor  http://141hongkong.com/forum/for ... 897&highlight=bella

schmid9394    http://141hongkong.com/forum/for ... 800&highlight=bella

[ Last edited by  hunter at 7-3-2011 11:30 ]

5-htp 7-3-2011 12:46 Karma +2 haiii
5-htp 7-3-2011 12:46 Acceptance +2 haiii
feliphile 7-3-2011 22:06 Karma +1 so pretty
feliphile 7-3-2011 22:06 Acceptance +2 so pretty
sitonmyface69 7-3-2011 23:28 Karma +3 Wank time!
TonyToro 8-3-2011 16:36 Karma +1 costly but beautiful...
DaBestHK 8-3-2011 17:01 Acceptance +3 if good service, definitely worth 1k
JackTheBat 10-3-2011 22:00 Acceptance +3 real eyes better than PS'd ones, HA!

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