Original Post

25-1-2011 03:02

Originally posted by captaincaveman at 21-1-2011 00:56
sad thing for my sister in london her last trip her wallet and digital camera got stolen. welcome to london i guess.

That is a story i have heard so many times.... There are a lot of dodgy people trying to scam you in London..Well it's an easy spot for thieves and conmens to target the millions of tourist who visit London... ( RICO knows a few con artist...Believe me they are very convincing...)

UK will never be cheap sadly. the best place to monger is def in asia. well with that being said I guess you wouldn't mind messing around with the double priced korean girls.

You've hit the nail on the head there bro....  In Hong Kong you get what you pay for but it doesn't apply in the UK though...

just make sure you have some money left over for your delicious beef that you love so much. hmmm if rico could only choose just one wg's or steak for the rest of his life. what would he choose??? i wonder ...

RICO could NEVER choose just one WG or one kind of food...

Variety is the spice of life...

paladin310 25-1-2011 04:39 Acceptance +1 German FKKs def your speed.

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