Original Post

29-12-2010 19:13
Reply #72 SEAJ's post

Cookie had the most amazing breasts I have ever seen on a woman.  

Before Granville road she operated out of Fuji, there was literally a line of 4-5 guys outside her door at any given time, including myself. She had so much custom that Between customers she would basically wash her snatch and fix up her makeup, would stay wrapped up in a towel when opening the door.

We used to sit on the bed facing each other and she would bonce up and down on my dick until she orgasm ed with grunt . Then she would repeat it. Then she would repeat it again. Then again  After seeing her a number of times I got her to DFK me , but she would never let me DATY her. Once time after a particularly good session she asked me what I was doing later than night, as in "take me to dinner". I was flattered  but did not dare, I know it would only lead to more problem later, and many of my firm's customers were in the area and was afraid some would see me with her .

I do remember Ice Red, in my unemployed days I sat around reading and writing it

Apart from Cookie they were clearly not the good old days for me.

She really got under my skin and I see that I it was very dangerous for me.

The moderators may not like it, but here is a souvenir.

[ Last edited by  gwailoplayer at 29-12-2010 19:19 ]

SEAJ 29-12-2010 21:44 Karma +3 GREAT! At last a Cookie picture!

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