Original Post

27-12-2010 21:38


Those are some incredible stories, man, but I can never tell if you're being truthful or not. Great stories nonetheless.

I'm genuinely curious. How did you meet these "packaged" women? Where did you meet them? If you're really 27 as you said, why would they notice you? I wouldn't think that they ordinarily would since very very few 27 year olds would be able to provide such women with the kind of lifestyle they apparently demand. If you're that good looking or charming or whatever, so much so that these stunning women would notice you just for your looks, then why would you need to monger when you can probably hit up regular hotties for free in LKF or whatever.

Honestly, I'm really genuinely not trying to question you. These are actual questions that I've been meaning to ask you that I want genuine answers to. I really would be interested to know where such women hang out, how they notice people, etc.

SEAJ 27-12-2010 21:42 Karma +1 LOL! I'll PM you! LOL

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