Original Post

22-12-2010 19:55

Originally posted by TheButler at 21-12-2010 22:55
A dancer at Mitchell Brothers O'Farrell in San Francisco once told me that it was fairly common there for guys to wear a condom to protect against accidental discharge and unsightly stains.  Who knows ...

When I was 17 I had a fake id that allowed me into a strip club in NY, I can't remember the name of it, but it was very close to Times Square.  In this club they had a " slow dance " room like the one you described, dark room, with padded walls and no seats.  In this room, you get to " dance " with the girl like in a normal club, but you get to feel her up as much as you like.  I believe the dances were 20 dollars per song, and I was offered a hand job from a Puerto Rican girl for another 40 bucks with 1 extra song, so essentially it was 20 bucks for the hj, 20 for the extra song.  Needless to say, being 17 and getting a wank by a hot boriqua in a strip club, I blew my load all over her hand in about a minute.  After the load, she was like " well, i guess were done, " I paid her, she went out to go wash her hands, I left the club with a smile on my face.  =)

During this year of frequenting strip clubs, I would often go to the one close to my house.  I would be a lil perv and wear basketball shorts with silk boxers to get maximum friction from my lap dances, bust my load, go to the bathroom to wash off, then go home.  =)  I thought I was smart.  The girls know whats going on, they don't care, don't worry, u wont' be the first one to leave a strip club with a lil stain in ur pants.  If your soo worried about people seeing you outside with the stain, then toss an extra pair of pants in your car.  Wearing a condom before a lap dance just sounds like too much of a hassle.

[ Last edited by  scootermonger at 22-12-2010 19:57 ]

bcs74 23-12-2010 02:20 Acceptance +2 Oh that just too funny

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