Original Post

7-11-2010 09:50
Reply #4 johndoe83's post

Ok - see your quandry....sort of!

OK - try this one.

Anytime he comes up to you to just chit chat, STEER him back to work by asking him about whatever you're doing then/been assigned to do.  Make him to actually be your mentor and to do the work together with you...or even for you!  

Don't get suckered back into talking about personal stuff or the BS he's always wanting to talk about.  And hopefully that's the key - that if he knows that you're ONLY going to be chatting with him about work, that you're not an enjoyable talking partner.  OTH, you're ALWAYS professional and eager to do your job perfectly - something which he cannot deny or even forget to mention in his apprasial of you/good for your career.

You continue just playing nice guy - let me tell you bros - sooner or later he's gonna think of you as his best mate. But a guy with such insecurities and loneliness is NOT a guy you'd want to have you considered as his best mate - for he's a guy who WILL turn on you when he feels the least bit slighted. And WHOA FILLY - he's gonna make your life miserable!

Remember - 1 minute max. pleasant chit chat, and then straight back to pure business talk.


johndoe83 7-11-2010 16:17 Acceptance +1 Excellent

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