Original Post

31-10-2010 21:16
Reply #1 funky's post

On a good night, Hari's will have about 30 - 40 WGs. On a good night, Neptune 2 will have 130.

On a bad night, Hari's will have 3 - 4 WGs and Neptune 2 will have 20 - 30.

If Hari's is quiet, your only nearby option is Sticky Fingers (which recently moved after being closed for some time in it's usual location... it may take a little while to get going again). If Neptune 2 is quiet, Escape, Laguna, Traffik, JBs, Galaxy, Amazonia etc are all within 5 minutes walk.

If you look at the Bar guide in the CHAT section, it is clear that overwhelmingly... Wan Chai is THE place to go for volume and convenience. No question. Wan Chai is almost always busy. Hari's is always busy Friday nights but other nights can be hit or miss based on how busy the hotel is.

So why the hell do I  prefer Hari's Bar???

(1) I like Mongolian, Korean, Japanese and PRC girls. You will always find them in Hari's, plus Russian, occasionally you will find something special like Venezuala, Angola. There are always a few Fils, Indo and Thai floating around but not as many was Wan Chai. You will almost NEVER... probably NEVER find Mongolian, Korean, Japanese girls in Wan Chai.
Therefore... for me at least: ADVANTAGE Hari's.

(2) I like decent music, decent songs, sung by singers who CAN sing, LIVE, in short skirts & high heels. I like a 10 - 15 minute break in the music every hour so I can actually "hear" the person I am talking to... So I can negotiate with a WG without yelling. I dont like bullshit techno "doof doof" music that simply never lets up. Bros yelling at each other to be heard and nodding with that dumb ass "yeh yeh I agree" look on their face when they actually cant hear a thing you're saying gives me the shits!
Therefore... for me at least: ADVANTAGE Hari's.

(3) I like sashimi that tastes great and I know wont make me sick the next day.
Therefore: ADVANTAGE Hari's.

(4) I like to find a chick in a bar, walk to the elevator, go straight up to my room and start f*cking.
Therefore: ADVANTAGE Hari's.

(5) Sometimes I may want to sit down in a nice lounge, watch some quality sport on a big screen TV while I sip on my beer, chat to my friends BUT... never be too far away from the action.
Therefore: ADVANTAGE Hari's.

(6) Because Hari's is a hotel bar, it attracts "regular" Bros who pop in for a drink after work. Even ifI go on my own, there is always someone I know.
Therefore: ADVANTAGE Hari's.

(7) I like to sit back, look around and decide which WG is my style. I prefer to have my dick rubbed after making my selection.
Therefore... for me at least: ADVANTAGE Hari's.

(8) Some of the wait staff at Hari's have worked there for more than 5 years. We have gotten to know each other well and as a result they find a table for me, let me stock up on happy hour price drinks, and treat me a little special. The NEVER try and push me to buy Lady drinks because lady drinks dont exist in Hari's.
Therefore... for me at least: ADVANTAGE Hari's.

Of course everyone has their own opinion, Hari's just fits my style better than the others. That's notto say I dont go to Wan Chai, I do... regularly. It's a fun change of pace.

TheButler 31-10-2010 22:00 Acceptance +3 Righteous!
DaBestHK 1-11-2010 08:49 Acceptance +1 so it seems u usually stay at HIGM?

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