Original Post

25-10-2010 07:54
Reply #15 SrsBsnslol's post

The love story was very HKish, you have to understand the stupidity of dating in HK as locals.  So many walls, so much pride and always useless conflict.  When I talk to my female relatives in HK and explain my situation with the wife, they have no idea what is going on and they have no confidence in a real loving relationship.  

I tell them that I love my wife, my females cousins ask me time and time again, "you love her?" My male cousins say, "oh, you let her have too much power, this and that when you say you love her in front of people, show some pride man!"  

But in China, the tides have changed.  Men love their wives!  If you ask a happily married guy if he loves his wife, he will say, "of course I love my wife, why the fuck would I ask her to marry me then?" and then call you ON LUN 9.

My HK relatives think I am lying that I love my wife, been with her more than half my life now and I am relatively young.  They all have that "love in a puff" concept of love.  Too fucking complex if you ask me.  A duel/dual chase shouldn't last so long with so many idiotic barriers and doubts.  Love is supposed to be about some blind faith, not fucking perfect math.

SrsBsnslol 30-10-2010 18:22 Acceptance +1 totally agree

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