Original Post

15-10-2010 21:09
Reply #1 ramont's post

21 YO Korean girl. To me she was a 10 but she was totally MCOT in looks dept.

I met her at Hari's Bar, she had been sitting with another dude all night. She kept looking at me, smiling at me, when she would get up to go to the washroom she would brush her ass against me as she walked past. She was driving me crazy to talk up the price to the other Bro. In the end I had as much as I could take, I followed her into the washroom and told her I was staying at the Holiday Inn, she agreed to come up to my room "NOW".

We went up to my room together, no shower:
Back to CG where I finished.

We were both back downstairs in the Bar within 45 minutes.

Cost: HK$1700

She left later with the other Bro, don't know how much. I guess it was a successful night for her.

I met her again the next 3 nights, each night $1500 but first 2 nights from 1130pm until 8am and the 3rd night from midnight to 4pm the next after noon.

[ Last edited by  TonyToro at 15-10-2010 21:13 ]

sirtiger 16-10-2010 03:08 Acceptance +1 wow!

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