Original Post

15-9-2010 15:16

Originally posted by akira_999 at 15-9-2010 10:43

Where would you go if you are interested in an 'A' copy watch in HK? any good place you can recommend?

The shopping centre in Lo Wu (Shen Zhen) is an excellent solution, about 45 minutes by KCR from TST if you have a China Visa. Can be a little intimidating to go on your own first time though.

In HK go to the Ladies Market in Mong Kok. Walk through and find a person selling copy watches out of a catalog. Tell them you want to go "upstairs" (I have done this 100's of times and never had a problem but by all means go with some friends if you are concerned).

You'll get taken up stairs in a building, usually one on the street you're in. You may be asked to travel up crappy stair cases and rickety elevators. Eventually you will arrive at a room with a big steel door.

When you go inside you will find hand bags, watches, pens, everything you want. There will be an instant attempt to find out where you are from so they can calculate the exchange rate and work out how much they can charge you. You will be told that the fake Louis Vuitton bag is worth HK$1,500 because a real one costs HK$30,000. Be prepared to walk out! No fake hand bag is worth more than HK$600 and most are only worth HK$200 - $300.

There are literally 100's of such places along both lengths of the Market, hidden on various floors in buildings. Going to China is one option, but at the end of the day, the cost is the cost so if you know what you're doing and you're prepared to walk out and try the next place. While you are negotiating, whisper so they are not compelled to refuse you, for example, if they are about to sell the bag you want to some bozo for HK$1500 the last thing they want said out loud is "you must be joking, that's worth HK$300!"

In some of these buildings you will also find walk up girls, so consider the excellent time management of buying your wife a gift and getting your dick sucked in the same building (not by the person selling you the watch or bag or whatever obviously)...

SkinnyForum 18-9-2010 05:03 Acceptance +5 Good info.

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