Original Post

15-9-2010 10:19
Reply #5 lister01's post

Some people come to HK with buying fakes in mind. Usually these days, a quartz watch movement from Japan is so cheap, there is no need to be too concerned about a fake not working. There's really no point in supplying you a watch that doesn't work.

A tip: Shake the watch hard and see if the hands fall off. Assuming that's Ok, then time the watch against your own for 5 mins. If it passes both tests you will usually be getting a watch that works just fine.

In terms of price, watches, like hand bags and all manner of fakes in HK have different levels of "quality".

At the bottom end is "any old watch" that someone has pad printed a "Rolex" (or similar) logo on.
In the middle range, in addition to a logo on the dial, you will find a debossed clasp with the logo, often engraving on the back etc all helping make the watch look legit.
At the top of the range they call these the "A" copies. These are exact replicas of an actual model. Often they are very good even for a discerning buyer. The watch looks "right". Gold plating will last longer etc.

Ball park price you should pay for an "A" copy watch is around HK$200.00.

If you're buying the real thing, and want to be sure of what you are getting, I agree with Geo's comments in post #2.

lister01 15-9-2010 10:51 Karma +1 Thanks for the info!

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