Original Post

21-8-2010 11:28

Originally posted by markreyes at 20-8-2010 22:29
I can assure you that not all girls in certain circles have one-night stands.  Then again, it really depends on the company you keep, and the people you know.  For you to assume that all girls, in all social circles do this, is patently incorrect.  That being said, sure, there are girls and guys out there that engage in one-night stands.

Sorry but you are wrong. What I think you are confusing is the amount of ONS sex you have and the average women. ONS is sex outside a relationship, and this can come after a meal, a drink, or just seeing the driver in tight trousers and getting a wet gusset. All women have ONS (on the assumption they are not married or in stable relationships and even then it is not a given). If this were not the case, there must a a handful of girls getting fucked 400 times a night because a lot of men are having ons. Could it be the case that you are trying to make yourself feel better about your lack of free fucking by hoping no one else is getting any? Do you have your eye on some young lovely in your gold plate festooned cafe bar full of people wearing white suits, hoping that one day she will let you hold her hand, and all the while fearing that a Gweilow has be breaking her back doors down during lunchtime?

Originally posted by markreyes at 20-8-2010 22:29
For you to assume that people who would do something like this are ugly, obnoxious, or "loserville" is being pretty obnoxious yourself.  If you can afford to do so, then it's their choice.  You might as well call a guy who buys a 1M dollar Bugatti a loser since you drive a Honda Civic - both of which get you to the destination.  I'm sure everybody shares your opinion here.

I don't agree with your contention at all, and you are making a basic internet forum mistake as well. You are making assumptions about another member that are based on nothing apart from knowledge of yourself and your own standing, and believing that no one could possibly ever be better placed in society than yourself. Well each to their own, although I tend not to associate myself with people who need to talk about their wealthy friends or be this crass.

Also, your analogy is flawed as well unless the man was giving the Veyron to a girl to have sex with her, whilst another man the next night fucks the same girl for free. So if this is what you were inferring, then yes, he is a loser. Also, I think I would kill myself rather than buy a girl a house just to fuck her. Seriously, how miserable must your existence be, when you are alone surrounded by your flash trappings of oodles of cash, to realise that the only reason people and girls spend time with you is because you have to buy them expensive gifts. So not obnoxious, just plain simple observation which if thought about by earnestly by most members, they would agree.

Originally posted by markreyes at 20-8-2010 22:29

You may not need to spash cash on a hooker to make yourself feel good, but definitely you have a need to try and demonize people with more resources as a loser, in order for yourself to feel good.  Oh well, that's your right LOL

Firstly, thank you for the frank admission that you "NEED TO SPASH (sic) CASH ON A HOOKER" to make yourself feel good. It is a brave man to stand up and admit a hollowness in their life that is only filled by lavish displays of cash on girls paid to spend time with him. Not my cup of tea I must say, but accepting is the first step to recovery.

I'm not demonizing at all. In fact, this thread is not about knocking people who do. It's trying to understand the mind set behind it. Crass as it sounds, if I wanted to walk into Tiffany's and throw 15k down the gurgler on a whore, I could do so. I don't want or have to though because I know that without it, both me and who ever I am with is still having a good time. In fact, I have a better idea that in civvie street, or with a WG off duty, they are there because they like spending time with me and not because they think they will profit from it.  I have more respect for the dear member whose name I have forgotten who said he has helped quite a few newbies in the china KTVs by buying their bond and getting them out of their slavery. At least he was doing it for them, and not to make him self feel good.

Mr Reyes - I would avoid looking up to people who are cash rich. They throw it around and believe every one loves them, but if they were ever honest to themselves, they can never truly be at peace and relax because they know that without their brash displays of wealth, they are alone with themselves. The ones who are honest with themselves usually then turn to drugs, booze and suicide because they don't like being alone with themselves because they are, basically, shallow and obnoxious.

[ Last edited by  akka at 21-8-2010 12:52 ]

bethpageblack 21-8-2010 12:05 Acceptance +3 you put a lot of thought into this
geoduck 22-8-2010 11:36 Acceptance +4 Tks. That member was me.

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