Original Post

15-8-2010 17:55

My two cents worth, which is worth about 1.50 cents I guess. On the basis that we are focusing upon the giving of gifts; buying of meals etc I am confused by it too. After all, you go to fuck a WG so that once you have paid her, you can walk away and responsibility (whether in terms of emotional, financial, giving of time etc) ends straight away, if indeed you ever felt it in the first place. You pay for you to be able to walk away and not for the sex ultimately.

I would classify the bros who go beyond the call of Customer / service giver transactional relationship into a handful of categories.

1) The Shyguy - basically they are invoking the actions and feelings they would like to have with a "real woman" with a girl who basically is paid (either by the hour, or by continuous bookings in the future) to be there. They are unable or unwilling to find a girl the old fashioned way, but deeply crave the FULL experience. The cure for them would be to find a girlfriend.

2) The White Knight - Someone with a higher than average EQ (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emotional_intelligence) who feels for the girl and believes that he can be her saviour either long term or just for a short period. For example - a WG who has a list of things she needs money to buy such as a laptop is bought one. An iPhone. Medical insurance? doubt it. They need the acknowledgement that he is a good guy and the reaction of delivering a ribbon tied Dell is better than a medical card...but what is more useful? Dinners etc are giving them a little break from their nightmare

3) The Guilty parent factor - Someone who and basically saying "I understand you are having a tough life right now, and that I am adding to the problem, but I am different, as I will take you out and treat you to dinner and make you feel like a lady whose company I value and not the whore I called on in the first place" and then try/hope for a freebie. You cause part of their pain so you over compensate to try to make amends for it.

4) The showboat - the WG is an accessory - are basically often better looking and more doting than the class of chick the man can pick up, and will therefore love to be seen out with a cute young chick. Driven by other men's jealousy and subtlety craving and sucking up the admiring glances, this man is basically not complete unless they feel superior. What better way than to take out an 19 yr old tight bodied chick and let all and sundry know "i'm fucking her". It is often accompanied by a sports car and a case of minimus fallus.

5) The genuine - This guy actually really does like the girl in an almost sinking ship type of way and will over look the fact that she can't walk straight due to 8 hrs of fucking that day with other dudes; for love. By attempting to take them out of their natural environment, he is testing the water to see how they fair when the clock is note ticking down at the rate of 13 bucks a minute. He fails to realise that it is all false though because he is a client. He has paid to violate her, and she will not seem him as a traditional guy. He is a whore mongerer and regardless of whether she is a whore or not, ask a 100 women in the street if she could settle down with a monger, over 80% if they were truthful would say no I guess.

6) The fuckwit. For all types of reasons, he is being played from the first moment he wipes his puppy dog eyes and brings her a lavish present. The WG is in it for money. He is an ATM and she will use every guile she knows to get as much from him as possible without having to touch him.
7) The King. "Why the fuck not". He has money. He has time. He likes to be seen with a chick and so what if she is a whore. Not going to marry her just want to not eat / drink alone. A laptop is nothing - at least thats what he wants her to think.

I think that about covers it.

Why do the girls accept the gifts and go on dinners?

1) Get money / save money having to buy stuff / sell what they get / why the fuck not.
2) Big ticket - to get out of this life
3) Revenge - bleed the fucker dry who is killing her youth.
4) Love. She mistakes his guilt for love.

Ultimately i think  the men do it because of guilt (same as the guys who buy their wives gifts when they fuck around elsewhere) or due to an insecurity complex. AS very small proportion of guys will do it for the "why not" factor IMHO because in reality, there is no point at all.

Spend money on her by the hour for sex. For the rest get a real GF who WANTS to be with you and not because you fucked her for money.

as I said - 1 1/2 cents worth.

bethpageblack 15-8-2010 20:06 Karma +5 3 cents!
shipit 15-8-2010 21:16 Acceptance +3 wire bro akka yet again
SkinnyForum 16-8-2010 00:33 Acceptance +1 Pay so you can walk away.
hunter 16-8-2010 01:11 Karma +2 nice definition, very true

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