My opinion
Guys wine and dine and gift because they wanna see if they'd have a shot at these WGs (or any other gal) if they didn't have to pay. It's all about the thrill of the hunt. I'm not talking about getting a freebie, per se, but if:
a) at a different time and place would they be able to pick these chicks up;
b) for married punters, do they still have the mojo;
Guys love to get their ego stroked.
I can give you an example from personal experience. A couple years back, I went to see a KTV gal maybe about twice. As other bros who know me are well aware, I never do seconds. Anyways, she quit working at the KTV (I didn't ask her to – she just asked me if it was possible for her to stay at my place for a few days) and shacked up with me for about a month. I was living in GZ with a girlfriend in HK so I was fine with that. She then asked me if I’d leave my GF in HK to be with her, I said no (should’ve said yes), she left and went back to her home town. Now I didn't do anything crazy with her before she shacked up with me, didn't offer her money, didn't shower her with gifts. I just took her shopping once and dinner out of the KTV. She was a nice piece of ass, horny as hell, nice face.
So - did it make me feel great that she quit her job at the K for me? Yes it did. Does it give me a boost of confidence? Why yes it does.
I'm guilty as charged - I have done it a couple times before.
I first posted about this because I see the HGs especially being spoiled. What girl wouldn't like to get shit bought for them, to be treated like a queen for a day, etc.? My point is that it's totally unnecessary. While these chicks are quite stunning and beautiful, they aren't so far above the standard deviation of hot chicks in China. If they were, why would they be spreading their legs and blowing guys for 800 bucks a pop? And - they would be married or dated by some guy on the Mainland. They wouldn't need any money.
In closing, there's nothing truly special about these chicks that they deserve such nice behavior from you guys. It's really unnecessary to shower them with all that attention. I think that anyone who visits a lot of HGs in HK needs to cross the border a little more often and see 1) how many girls there actually are in China that can be HGs if they want; and 2) the way these girls interact with each other when they're with a bunch of their peers. It might turn you off. I can't speak for ever HG, but from my travels, the cuteness and sweetness when interacting with them individually in an unfamiliar, semi sterile environment like HK will be replaced by brashness, sassiness (not in a good way), perhaps intertwined with uncouth manners. From throwing garbage on the street when there's a trash can like 10 feet away to screaming at the top of their lungs if their Wong Lo Kut doesn't come with a straw, a lot of these chicks act completely differently in a familiar environment. They can let their hair down and relax.
So, if you find yourself treating these gals a little too nice, I'd suggest you go to the Mainland, go meet a hot HG/ or chick, get acquainted, and see how they act. You'll realize that these gals are a dime a dozen. From throwing garbage on the street when there's a trash can like 10 feet away to screaming at the top of their lungs if their Wong Lo Kut doesn't come with a straw. They aren’t the sweet innocent perfect little things you think they are
If you really want an HG like hottie, just come across the border. There's plenty to go around.
Remember, YMMV, and IMHO. We can agree to disagree and that's cool. | |