Original Post

31-7-2010 12:09
In My Early Years-The Betel Nuts Girl Part 2

I have stayed away from writing for quite a while. Was very encouraged initially but it is very difficult to even achieve the 30 point readership. I am only half way. No
problem let me continue. I had recalled few pages of notes for me to continue my memories.

I extended my stay. My friend was very cheeky send her again the following night to my room. We did the normal love play that night and did not retire till late more like 2.30am.
That sexy betel nut girl stayed the night. It was very normal for farm girls to get up very early in the morning, just before the sun rise. That period of the year day light
was more like 6am in the morning. That was definitely too early for me. She was trying to please me. She arranged ever thing ready, the bath tub, filled with lute warm
water, even tooth paste on the tooth brush, wet towels. I was in my dreamland; she literally dragged me out of bed to the bathroom. I normally after the night’s sex will
always put on my pajamas before I retire to bed. I could hardly open my eyes. It was a late night; I think by the time I really fell asleep might be closer to 3am. She
unbuttoned my pajamas, and by the time I am awake I was naked. She rubbed her hands all over me saying that this will keep you warm, a very naive approach to keep
warm. I was very surprise to see the bath was filled with warm water, She insisted that I should step into the bath tub. I do not have that habit. I must always brush my
teeth first before doing anything else. I told her so. She was not so please. I was naked and the air condition was making me very cold. I told her so, she started
stripping, she had only the hotel towel gown over her. She hugged me from behind; I could feel her warm body with her boobs pushing on my back. She reached for the
tooth brush and started brushing my teeth, her whole frontal on my back and she was doing all the teeth cleaning. It was feeling very hard to describe. She really
enjoyed it in this position brushing my teeth. I never had such teeth cleaning like that before. Up to date I could still recall. The session took at least ten to fifteen minutes.  After that she said let us have some fun. You are the master I am the slave. I would do everything for you; you do not even have to lift a finger. Into the tub we
went. I remember it was a bit too small for two. She was able to position in such a way that, I was lying on the tub; she was lying on her front facing me, her breast
resting on my body. The surprising point was that the water made her quite light and I was able to manage her weight on me and I was beginning to enjoy the position.
She was using her hand running all over my body, giving a water caress and massage. I just lie down still for her to do her work. My little brother begins to get harden. She whispered that and she was ready, but she wanted to extend my pleasure and enjoyment. She reached for my penis which now was very firm and hard, she stroke it and was playing with it pushing my foreskin up and down. Somehow she know my mood and timing. She got up changed her position and she was really going all out to suck
my little brother. Meantime I have to position myself that the water level was low enough otherwise she will be drown, and I was in the best position too, to watch and
lick her pussy. As a young lady, I could see that she was quite pink; I had the best month oral sex of my life. I gently licked her clitoris, and gradually increasing my tongue pressure, she was literally asking for more. We were in this position for quite a while till she manage to hold and my full load came into her month... After that I was quite
exhausted. She keep murmuring that “I want I want.” She got up pull me out of the tub, had a quick dry up, she immediately lead me to the bed and ask me to fuck her. But I was not able to... She commented no problem; I am going to make you hard again so that you can fuck me. What to do; HELP.  She gently played with my little
brother, her tongue also came into play, running her tip of her tongue on the rim of my penis, and indeed it was such a sensation that in no time I was hard again. Her
pussy was all wet with her own juices as well as my saliva. She engineered and guided my little brother to where she wanted and I had the best fuck as the second
session normally it took longer to come. The longer time I thrust her better for her. She was purring like a cat, asking for more, more. I had to come, I was fucked out.
Then I was strong enough to manage that. Three times in a row. She had that satisfied look in her face and after that she dose off, for me too. By the time I was up, I
had to rush out for my meeting. I had to push her out of the hotel and to make arrange to see her latter in the evening. Once again, I could not get myself to get
attached. I was also to leave that evening. All ended there that I had two full nights with my betel nut girl. I was not very sure how much my friend paid to make the
arrangement.  To pay her well to look after me. That is what a friend is for!!!

Mister 31-7-2010 14:10 Karma +4 Amazing tale! And nice pic, thanks
SEAJ 31-7-2010 17:03 Karma +10 THANKS! Really enjoy your thread!
SEAJ 31-7-2010 17:03 Acceptance +10 THANKS! Really enjoy your thread!

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