Original Post

17-7-2010 03:09
I hurt a girl - name and link withheld

I hurt a Hg who I think is exclusively nice to me. I am sorry.
  I visited the Hg I like(not love) a lot tonight. It was nice at first as I hadn't seen her for several days and I really missed her. As b4, she did the same tricks i like most for me , including letting me take lots of pic in whatever pose I like. Then she let me videotaped her PDD and blowing me off, which I believe were exclusive( pdd and video). Previously she let me video the whole love making, about 30 minutes. Then when I waited for the 2nd round she took my camera and looked at the pic. She saw another Hg;s pic. She then pissed off and was hurt. I didn't expect that as we are clients and WG relationship, though I have visited her 5 times and always did something to please her. I should have deleted the pic if I have known. Then she said she didn't want to see me again. I was astonished that things would screw up like that. I didn't know she would mind. I may see her again and see what I can do, but I am reallly sorry to have hurt her feeling. Actually I never want anyone to be hurt, including myself, but as she said she didn't want to see me again, I was really hurt.

captaincaveman 17-7-2010 04:34 Karma +1 It's alright
captaincaveman 17-7-2010 04:34 Acceptance +3 It's alright

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