Original Post

30-6-2010 02:43
Reply #3 SEAJ's post

Actually what you had said about the infrastructure bit was what I had outlined in a report in the China section. Zhuhai will remain a tourist city with lots of KTV and saunas but just more high end. Zhuhai is very liberal when compared to Zhongshan City, also known as Si Qi and it's very expensive in SiQi and saunas and KTVs are not situated on the main thoroughfares with big signs like Zhuhai but off little roads and dead end streets. A lot of scholars and senior party members in Beijing originate from Zhongshan and they always keep a watchful eye on the capital of Zhongshan especially being in the birthplace of Dr. Sun Yes Sen. Zhongshan is in fact named after Dr. Sun.

The bigger picture with these infrastructure developments is to populate the far western corners of Guangdong province, Yangjiang and Zhanjiang, Maoming which are rarely visited and constitute a big chunk of the province. I've visited most of the towns West of Zhuhai, traveling all the way to Hainan Island by car to seek out new investment oppotunities. The Central Government also wants this to spread to Guangxi which is a relatively poor province. There is a plan to build a high speed train connecting Zhuhai with Guangxi but this is only a concept at the moment as there is too much happening at the moment with making Zhuhai the hub to the West. The new Coastal Highway is a beautiful new expressway stretching from Zhuhai all the way to Gaungxi but it is way under utilized. You would see that over the next 10 years there would be a lot more emphasis on the far Western part of Guangdong and the linkage of Zhuhai to the rest of Guangdong is just the start of the bigger picture.

[ Last edited by  geoduck at 30-6-2010 02:48 ]

SEAJ 30-6-2010 12:53 Karma +3 Thanks for further info!

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